Tuesday, January 31, 2012

PUPO (again)!

Well, I am officially PUPO (again)!!!! This time I feel so much more relaxed. Also MUCH less excited. Almost as if I already know I failed. I know that sounds like a BAD thing, but it is easier to feel this way (I am WAY more relaxed) than to be all jittery and excited thinking it worked. Backwards thinking I realize... lol.

Here is a picture of the lucky embryo!!! Hopefully she is a sticky bean!!

Embryo #6!!! PUPO in my belly now!
Just for comparison... here is what my LAST blastocyst looked like...

FET #1... BFN... =(

As you can see the current blastocyst is not as expanded as the first one and doesn't look as good (in my opinion at least)... BUT... ya know what? That first blast didn't stick! So maybe it is a good thing that FET#2 looks nothing like FET#1. =)

So now I am PUPO and just waiting to POAS!!! Not sure when I will officially start POAS. I want to try to wait until Tuesday Feb 7th. My beta isn't until Thur Feb 9th. Which is 10 dp5dt. Maybe I can wait that long? IDK... only time will tell what happens with this attempt! 

Wish us luck!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The final countdown...

... has begun!!! We are T-minus 4 days in counting until the big T-day (transfer day)!!! I guess (unfortunately) I am getting excited and even a tad bit optimistic about this cycle. It kind of sucks b/c it will make for a bigger letdown if I get a BFN... but it's impossible NOT to get excited about something THIS big!!! 

I began the final "phase" of FET meds yesterday. Started the Medrol & Doxycycline pills. And the Lovenox SQ injections. And the dreaded PIO (progesterone in oil) IM injections!!! I can honestly say the build-up has been worse than the actual injections! They don't even hurt!! The only thing that sucks is how sore my bum is the next day. My husband is doing a great job at injecting the shots. I am very proud of him! 

We fly to Atlanta Sunday morning and have the evening free to ourselves! DS is staying with my parents but DH is actually joining me this time. I am kind of excited about night #1. Dinner & a movie maybe? But night #2 is going to be "light activity"... but I'll probably do bedrest just to be extra careful. Don't want another repeat of last cycle (nor the same results).

Well... more to come in the near future!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

2 more weeks!!!


I upped my Estrace to 2 pills twice daily as of today!! Friday is the next medication increase!!! Oh yeah, and Friday is also my first lining check!! Can't wait to actually "see" what is going on down there! I keep wondering and wondering if I have developed more cysts. Sometimes I get cramps around my ovaries and I think to myself, "It is probably a cyst causing that cramping". I hope I am wrong. Fingers crossed that everything looks good on Friday!!! EEEKK!! Hopefully these next 2 weeks will FLY by as quickly as this past weekend did!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Closer and closer...

The big day is getting closer and closer!!! I cannot believe that I am a little over 2 weeks away from my FET! I might be pregnant in a few weeks!! I am SO excited!!!

I have been on Estrace now for 4 days and my dose goes up on Monday! My u/s is less than a week away!!! Anyway, no real new news to share just thought I'd post about my excitement and how close it is to D-Day!!! =)

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Date is Set!

So I spoke with my RE's nurse today and we have a transfer date!!!!!

JANUARY 30th!!!

That is the day I *might* become pregnant!!! I am SO excited! I hope the next 3 weeks fly by as quickly as possible!!!

That means my *possible* due date would be October 17th! So... I can "announce" my pregnancy around 8-9 weeks pregnant (Sometime between Feb 28th-March 13). Then I can "announce" the gender around week 16 (April 25-May 1---- Assuming it is a confirmed GIRL! lol). I cannot wait to finally get to utter those words, "It's a Girl"!!! It's something I have been hearing A LOT from friends lately, but I have never spoken. I cannot even explain the jealousy and sadness I hear every time I hear that phrase. I cannot wait for it to finally be my turn!!! I want a daughter so badly!!! I want my baby boy to have a little sister to protect and befriend! I want my family to be complete with my Sweet Prince and my Fairy Princess!!!

I start Estrace on Wednesday (Jan 11th) and my first lining check is January 20th at the local RE's office. Oh why can't time speed up? Or why can't I have a window into the future to see whether or not this is going to work (And whether or not I should get excited or prepare for the worst again?)...

Only time will tell I guess!

Friday, January 6, 2012


I am so ready to get this party started!!!!

Tonight I noticed a tiny bit of spotting so I assume that AF will start in full-force tomorrow! That means I am only a few short weeks away from my second FET! OF COURSE my body would choose to start AF on a Saturday... so I won't be technically "starting my FET cycle" until next week sometime. I would say Wednesday at the EARLIEST. Maybe Thursday or Friday even. I say that b/c embryo transfers aren't performed on weekend days. And if they started the Estrace Monday or Tuesday, the ET would fall on a Saturday or Sunday. So I HOPE they start me Wednesday and don't push it back much further. That puts my ET around January 30th, 31st, or February 1st or 2nd. And that puts my EDD around October 17th-20th. Not a bad time of year for a birthday IMO.  =)