Well, after my 3rd failure (well, 1st chemical after a miscarriage and a BFN)... we decided more testing was in order to discover why I am not staying pregnant. As recommended by both my RE and my RI I had an endometrial biopsy sent to Yale for an Endometrial Function Test. I received my results and they are not good. The test results were abnormal.
Basically it could mean 1 of a few things. Either BMI issue (not likely since I am at a healthy BMI), stress (who ISN'T stressed... no real treatment if this is the case), hydrosalpinx (hasn't been seen on any of my ultrasounds to date, so probably not the cause), or endometriosis or endometritis (scarring or inflammation of the uterine lining). Since the last 2 are the only real plausible and treatable causes my RE/RI decided that I need to start treatment for both asap.
The combined treatments are as follows: 3 months of Depo-Lupron (Lupron Depot) followed by 3 weeks of multi-antibiotic therapy. Then a natural period with a repeat endometrial function test to confirm that the treatment fixed the problem. HOPEFULLY if all goes well we will then proceed with a NATURAL FET after that.
Sooo we are looking at a 4-6 month wait before our next FET. Not to mention 3 months of misery on the Depo-Lupron (it puts you into artificial menopause... so hot flashes, night sweats, decreased libido, mood swings, etc...). So please say a prayer that I (and my family) survive the next 3 months in 1 piece.
I can't wait to post again about my next FET... hopefully it'll be a success after all this work.