I can't believe it took me 3 days to post on the blog... but I got my BFP on Tuesday!!!!! I fell to the floor and started crying immediately!!! I am just still in shock that I will get to be pregnant again and with a baby girl (hopefully)!!!!! Life can't get much better than this!!! It is still very early, and I am only too aware of that... I know we have several hurdles to cross before I can relax and enjoy this pregnancy, but at least step 1 is over-- step 1 being our first beta! It was 200 @ 10dp5dt! Which is just perfect!!! I can only wish and pray that Monday's beta will be equally as promising!!! So scared about ALL the things that can still go wrong, but seeming as though this might be my last pregnancy ever I want to relax and enjoy it! But I know I won't fully relax until I see that tiny little heart beating away on the u/s in a few weeks. For now just wishing the time away until that big u/s day!!! Here are some beautiful BFP pictures!!!
1st BFPs at 8dp5dt on Tuesday 2/7/12 (Digi EPT and FRER) |
Comparing BFPs from 8dp5dt and 9dp5dt |
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