Saturday, September 17, 2011

Triggering Tonight!

So the past 2 days have been crazy!

I was SO certain I would be triggering on Friday night to have ER a day early, on Sunday, but that was not the case! Boo. I was bummed b/c I wanted to get to go home a day earlier than expected! Oh well! I'm over it!

Yesterday's monitoring appt: My E2 was 2698 and I had 36 follicles!!! 22 on my left, and 14 on my right.

Today was my last monitoring appointment as I'm planning to trigger tonight! My E2 was 5400!!! I had 37 follicles. 22 on my left still, and now 15 on my right! Though based on the actual measurements, only about 21 are mature. That is good I guess. I mean, I want as many as I can get to have a better shot of getting some normal girls, but I do not want TOO many b/c my RE is concerned with having too high of an excess of eggs.

The plan is to fertilize all of the eggs and wait until day 5 (blastocyst stage) to biopsy and freeze them. Biopsies will be sent to Genesis lab for full-panel PGS screening. They said that within 24-48 hours I should hear the official news of how many normal boys and girls I have!!! Let's pray that I get a good amount of normal XX eggies!!! I told Jay to start "thinking pink"!!! I know that I have been calling my follicles "The Girls". Maybe a bit optimistic, but a girl can dream, right?

Unfortunately, Dr. T is not the "on-call egg retrieval doc" for Monday... so Dr. E will retrieve the eggs instead. According to my nurse, she is an "excellent egg sucker"! So I hope she wasn't "just sayin' that".

Tonight I take my Lupron trigger shot and tomorrow I have NOTHING!!!! No doctor's appointments... no shots... Nothing!!! Just a free day to spend with my husband, my baby boy, and my helpful father! I think we're going to go to the Children's Museum nearby.

After ER on Monday, I think I have to take it easy, and then I get to GO HOME on Tuesday!! YAY! I miss my puppy and my bed and my house and all my stuff!!! I surely hope all of this has been worth it and I get a beautiful baby girl in the end!

Oh, and here is a picture of my lovely left ovary full of 22 "girls"!

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