So much has happened since I last updated! I keep forgetting to post here since I post almost everything on GD!
Well, out of the 49 eggs I had retrieved, 31 of them were mature. Out of those.... 17 were FROZEN as eggs... and 14 were fertilized. Out of the ones fertilized, 11 were still growing on Tuesday morning. So that is the last I have heard about my embies and as far as I know that is the last I will hear until Genesis gives the report to RBA. Which could be 7-10 days. But Genesis assured me that once they get the biopsies it would be 24-48 hours before I hear results. They said that they "don't like to keep customers waiting". So that is good. I would say that means I should hear the news by Monday or Tuesday.
Then on Wednesday (9/29) I start the FET protocol. It is approx 2 weeks of Lupron and then a period. Then a bunch of other meds for 20 days before the actual transfer! It is a little bit more flexible than the fresh "harvesting" cycle. So I would *guess* my FET will be end of October/beginning of November! I have mixed feelings on this! On one hand, I cannot wait to be done with this whole process! But on the other hand... once I'm pregnant I possibly get to suffer through 18+ weeks of morning sickness and other miserable 1st trimester sensations... Bleck... Maybe I'll get lucky and get pregnant on my first FET AND not get any morning sickness! HA. A girl can dream, right?
Now, as for my 17 frozen eggs. That was drama... The last time I spoke with Dr. T... I had 27 follicles on my u/s and he was guessing 20ish would be mature and said that since I will not get too many more than 20 eggs that we would NOT be freezing any. Well, that day I THOUGHT I made it clear that I was relieved b/c I had changed my mind and did NOT want to freeze ANY eggs no matter what. And I KNOW for a fact, that I told the RE who actually DID my ER that I did NOT want her to freeze any. I remember saying, "Fertilize all of them". Even Jay can confirm that I said that. He knows we made that clear. Well, when I found out that they had frozen MORE THAN HALF... you can imagine how upset I was. I cried all afternoon. All during the 6 hour drive home from Atlanta. I was very upset. Dr. T called me and said we must have "gotten our wires crossed", b/c he thought that if I got over 20 it was assumed we would freeze the excess. Well, that still doesn't explain why MORE THAN HALF were frozen. If anything, they should have frozen anything over 20. So fertilize 20, and freeze the remaining 11. I have no idea who made the call to freeze so many, but I sure as hell hope that out of the 11 I still have growing at least 1 or 2 of them is a healthy girl. Dr. T has already agreed to cover any costs for thawing and PGD'ing the frozen eggs if we need to use them since it was against my wishes to freeze them.
Anyway, enough blabbering about that. I just HOPE that everything goes perfectly and these 11 embryos go on to make at least 1 healthy girl and she becomes our sticky baby!!!
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