Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2nd ER Cycle

5/23 (DOC 5)
Well, on Saturday May 19th we began our 2nd egg retrieval cycle (with a planned freeze). I will skip all the drama that started the cycle and just move on to the important stuff!

Today is cycle day 5 (only had 3 stims so far though) and I had my first ultrasound. A 35mm cyst on my right ovary that we found on DOC 1 was magically gone!!! I'm not sure how that happened, but it is truly a miracle! So far there were 17 little follicles blossoming between the 2 ovaries! So all good news! My next appointment is Friday IN Atlanta so I leave tomorrow! I am SO nervous about leaving DH and my son but they are joining me Saturday afternoon so I won't be alone for too long! Whew! I would go crazy with a week alone in this miserable stimulated condition!!!

I'll try to keep all my updates here so it'll be one long blog post instead of 10 short ones!

Update: 5/25
Today's appointment went well! I have 18 follicles today & my estradiol was 1118. This is such a pleasant change from my last cycle where I was blossoming new follicles every day (ending up with 49!) and my estradiol got over 5000! Although I must admit I'm nervous that with fewer eggs my chances of getting healthy girls might be lower. But I'm not going to think that way! I'm going to tell myself that since I have fewer, and have been taking supplements & Metformin they're all going to be great quality! And hopefully at least 2 will be girls... please oh please!

Update 5/27
Well yesterday my folly count was 26 and my E2 was 2090. Today it is 31 follicles and E2 is 3414. And it looks like today is the trigger day! Bumping everything up a day! Yay! I am taking my HCG trigger tonight at 9:30pm and my ER will be Tuesday at 9:30am! Really moving right along now! SO ready to be done with this ER cycle!!! Wishing and Hoping and Praying for some normal XXs!!!

Update 5/27 PM
Just gave my HCG trigger shot!!! Was VERY nervous about using a 1.5" needle (did all my PIO injections with a 1" needle), but we used a frozen pancake to numb the site (best we could come up with) and it was easy peasy! Whew! 1 step closer to getting this cycle OVER with!!! So ready to move towards being pregnant again! Still wishing and hoping and praying for some normal XXs!!!

Update 5/29
Today is the BIG day! At 9:30am I should be "out cold" getting my eggs retrieved! I am nervous and excited all at the same time! I just hope and pray that we get a good number of healthy eggs. And of course that they go on to become aCGH normal females... I'll update later. =)

Update 5/31
Well the big day has come and gone! On 5/29 we had 34 eggs retrieved! Out of those 34, 20 were mature, and then apparently 3 more matured so a total of 23 were ICSI'd. Then on 5/30 we had a grand total of 19 embryos growing!!! So now it is a waiting game! We get our next update on Monday about how many made it to day 5 (blastocyst) for aCGH at Genesis. Hopefully we have a good number go to PGD and hopefully we have a lucky gender split! Only time will tell I guess! FX for some good results over the next few weeks! I'll update again when I know more!

Update 6/4
Today I got the news that 16 of my embryos made it to blastocyst stage and thus were biopsied and frozen! I am very excited about that number!!! I was hoping for 15, but 1 extra is even better! Now it is probably another week long waiting game until I get the PGD report from Genesis about how many normal girls we have. So we are continuing to pray for good news! Will update once I get the report!

Update 6/20
Not sure how I forgot to post on here! Oops! I had a grand total of 5 healthy female embryos after aCGH testing!!! Hurray!!! We also had 2 healthy boys that were frozen. Whew! It was SUCH a relief to hear that we made some females finally! Now here's hoping one of those lovely ladies will be my future daughter!!!


  1. First, I'm sorry about your lost baby girl. This is a hard way full of hard moments.
    I'll be very thankful if you write to me ( I'd like to find out about clinics in Atlanta for gender selection. I hope you could help me.
    Good luck in this new treatment!

  2. Hi Maria-- I would recommend checking out a website called! That is where I learned everything I know about IVF for GS! My screen name on there is LuvMyXYbutWantXX. I'm on the high tech forum!
