First Update 6/20/12:
I start Lupron on June 27th (1 week from today!) and I also have an endometrial biopsy the same day with my local OB/GYN. Then the rundown goes something like this...
After Lupron I wait for my natural period to start (in my case it is usually 2 weeks after starting the Lupron), then around CD 1 I start the Estrace and gradually increase the dose. Also on CD 1 I start Lovenox & Baby Aspirin (ASA). 5 days prior to FET (CD 15) I start PIO injections, Medrol, & Doxy. Then on CD 20 I get my transfer!!! My best guess based on previous FET timing will be that the FET will be around August 6th. Of course I would absolutely LOVE IT if it were earlier than that, but this is my guesstimation.
Here's hoping that third times a charm! I really really really want it to work this time! I've always wanted an April baby and that is when my due date would fall if it works this time around!!! Fingers mega crossed!!! =)
Update 6/25/12:
Can time possibly move any slower??? I am SO ready for this FET!!! I start Lupron on Wednesday (6/27) and I also have an endometrial biopsy that day as well! FX this is THE cycle for us!!! =)
Update 6/27/12:
So today was a big day in the early phase of this FET! I started my Lupron this morning (YAY!). I also had my endometrial biopsy (which I forgot how uncomfortable that was). And lastly, I got a +OPK! So that means I am about 2 weeks away from my next period starting, and thus, the real "thick" of this FET. If things keep going well... I may be looking at a transfer more around August 1st or 2nd instead of the 6th or 7th. Here's hoping!!! Every little bit counts! I'm SO ready to get my baby girl in there! And praying SO much that she sticks!
Update 7/13/12:
So I FINALLY started my period today (I was truly beginning to think would never happen!) which means we finally have an official transfer date! I start my Estrace, baby ASA, and Lovenox tomorrow, and my transfer will be on August 2nd! I will find out what time the night before. So... WOO HOO! Less than 3 weeks now!!!
Update 7/23/12:
I had my lining check today and it was at 8mm and there were only small cysts on my ovaries (which is good considering I have PCOS ovaries and sometimes the cysts grow to 20, 30mm). It was the longest DA of my life! 3.5 hours waiting!!! Long story short, they call it "Decision Day" there and they have it once a month and it is super crowded...remind me to ask next time I schedule an appointment if it is "Decision Day" so I can avoid it! Erg! I have been working on arranging my Intralipid infusion and hopefully will get that done this week sometime or early next week per Dr. B's instructions. Other than that things are looking good! Just gotta make it 10 more days and then I'll be PUPO! Hopefully! I cannot wait!
Update 7/31/12:
2 more days!!! We leave for Atlanta tomorrow!!!! I am SOOO excited!!! Uber nervous of course, too, but trying to focus on the hope and excitement b/c those are much more positive emotions than anxiety and nervousness!! I'll update again soon!!!
Update 8/15/12:
So I guess I've been too down in the dumps to update... but I had my FET on August 2nd and everything went as perfectly as it could. 7 days later I got a super duper faint positive home pregnancy test. So the next day (8dp5dt) I went in for a beta HCG and it was 7... so not a great number. Had a repeat test on Monday and it was 2. So it was a chemical pregnancy. So sad. We are just moving forward now (again). Maybe doing a natural FET next since it's the only thing we haven't tried. Have a consult with Dr. B on Aug 31st to see if he has any new ideas to check why I'm still losing babies. I guess I'll update once I know something new. Just waiting for AF to start so we can move on.
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