Sunday, May 1, 2011

Abbreviations & Explanations

I am going to keep a list (and update as necessary) to explain any abbreviations or non-self-explanatory terms.

DH: Darling Husband

DS: Darling Son. My beautiful angel and the love of my life.

Dee: Me!

Embryo: A fertilized egg

ER: Embryo Retrieval

ET: Embryo Transfer

FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer. If we are lucky enough to have more than one healthy female embryo we will freeze it (them) and if our first cycle fails we will have a FET.

FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone

GSN: Gene Security Network. A specific company that uses PGD to test ALL 24 chromosomes to detect any and all abnormalities that might be missed on a test that only screens a smaller number of chromosomes.

IVF: In Vitro Fertilization. My egg is fertilized outside of my body and returned to my uterus after testing is performed.

Jay: DH (Darling Husband)

LH: Luteinizing Hormone

PGD: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. Embryo testing for genetic abnormalities. 1 cell is removed from an embryo (without harming the embryo) and sent to test genetic material for abnormalities.

POAS: Pee on a stick. Like for pregnancy or ovulation tests.

SET: Single Embryo Transfer. Only one egg is returned to my uterus at a time.

SHG: Sonohysterogram

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