One doctor I talked with said that I should begin consultations about 6 months before my expected IVF cycle. So in my case, I plan to start scheduling consults around August. I have not decided which doctors I am going to consult with, but I have a few in mind (See list below).
My husband and I feel strongly that we would not like to have twins (of course if fate see fit to give us twins we would welcome them lovingly, but we are not going to TRY to have twins). Which means we will have a SET (Single Embryo Transfer-- 1 egg placed in the uterus at a time). In order to increase our chances that our SET will be a success, we have done research and feel like GSN is our best bet (Gene Security Network-- tests more of the DNA of the embryo to find the healthiest egg which will be the most likely to result in a healthy baby). Of course GSN will also let us know which embryos (eggs) are boys and which are girls. If we are lucky, we will have more than one healthy girl egg and we can freeze them for future FET's (Frozen Embryo Transfers) if our first cycle fails. However, I am optimistic and crossing my fingers to be one of the lucky few OHW's (one hit wonders)
Our list of clinics we are interested in.
- Dr. Potter with HRC
- He is very well-known and respected amongst the GD community.
- Works with GSN
- Dr. Shaykh with AFP in Northeast Florida
- Very close to where I live
- Works with GSN
- Dr. Denker with Palm Beach Fertility Center
- Reasonably close to where I live and have heard success stories from GD community.
- Works with GSN
- RBA in Atlanta
- Reasonably close and have heard success stories from GD community.
- DOES NOT work with GSN though...
So far this is really as much as I have done. I'm sure this blog will be slow for a few months because February is still 9 months away and things probably won't pick up until it gets closer to D-day.
I am SUPER excited to get the process started, but in the meantime I am just enjoying every minute with my beautiful DS and watching him grow and learn new things every day!!!
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