So since I can never find any information from women who have done the Lupron Depot treatment... I have decided to create a blog post just about my experience on Lupron Depot. Maybe it will answer a question of the next woman recommended this treatment...
So I was recommended 3 months of Lupron Depot + 3 weeks double antibiotic treatment for my abnormal Endometrial Function Test.
To order the Lupron Depot I had to go through 2 different specialty pharmacies. The one my RE's office recommended was not covered by my insurance so my prescription was moved to Acredo (spl?). It cost me $60 copay and insurance covered the rest. It arrived overnight and was in a box with ice-pack but only needed to be stored at room temperature. It is a pre-filled syringe with 2 "compartments". One was the powdered medicine and the other had the liquid diluent.
In order to allow my OB/GYN to perform the injections I had to have basically my entire IVF history faxed to their office and my OB/GYN had to sign her approval.
I had my first Lupron injection on Monday Nov 5, 2012. The shot itself didn't hurt very badly and it didn't really burn either. I didn't notice any soreness even days after.
A week went by where I felt no side effects. The only thing I can say is that my cervical mucus became very thing and abundant- almost like I was ovulating. I was surprised b/c my RE had warned me that I would "go through menopause" and my CM would dry up. So to be having the opposite was shocking. But after researching it I found out that for 1-2 weeks after your first shot your estrogen levels actually go UP before they bottom out. So I was experiencing the "high" for a week.
About 6 days after my first shot I started having weird spotting. It was very light- I didn't even need a panty liner-- and almost "stringy". It continued like that for 2-3 days before the spotting got heavier. Then it turned into a weird "semi-period" I guess. It wasn't heavy or thick, but thin, sometimes dark brown, sometimes deep red, and stringy. I emailed my nurse b/c I confused-- nobody said I would get a period. She said some spotting and bleeding was normal but to email if I had a real period. The next day it was definitely heavier so I emailed again and said that it was definitely a period. She basically just "made note of it on my chart" but didn't do anything.
As of today it has been 2 weeks and 1 day since my first shot and I am finally noticing the bleeding going away. Today is the first day that I barely needed a panty liner. So I guess the "period" and spotting are almost gone.
Other than bleeding, I haven't had "horrible" side effects. I definitely get headaches, but I knew I would since I got them even during my IVF cycles that used Lupron. They haven't been worse or better than my other Lupron headaches, but very annoying. It is hard to say whether or not I have experienced hot flashes (which are supposedly the most common side effect). I caught a virus this week and have had laryngitis for the past few days. So I haven't been feeling well at all but cannot blame the Lupron as I am sick, too. So maybe once this virus goes away I'll be able to tell what IS the Lupron. But as of now I would only say I've have bleeding, headaches, and moodiness. I am more emotional and I like to say "fragile". By that I mean that even the smallest things make me "snap" and "lose my cool". I have way less patience with my son and misbehavior but I am learning to make an effort and be more patient. It is very hard. Today was the first day I cried but I have a feeling it won't be the last. The emotional distress is getting harder and harder to bear. Maybe once I'm healthy I'll feel a little better. We shall see. I'll post as I experience more and more of what Lupron Depot has in store for me.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
IVF on Hold...
Well, after my 3rd failure (well, 1st chemical after a miscarriage and a BFN)... we decided more testing was in order to discover why I am not staying pregnant. As recommended by both my RE and my RI I had an endometrial biopsy sent to Yale for an Endometrial Function Test. I received my results and they are not good. The test results were abnormal.
Basically it could mean 1 of a few things. Either BMI issue (not likely since I am at a healthy BMI), stress (who ISN'T stressed... no real treatment if this is the case), hydrosalpinx (hasn't been seen on any of my ultrasounds to date, so probably not the cause), or endometriosis or endometritis (scarring or inflammation of the uterine lining). Since the last 2 are the only real plausible and treatable causes my RE/RI decided that I need to start treatment for both asap.
The combined treatments are as follows: 3 months of Depo-Lupron (Lupron Depot) followed by 3 weeks of multi-antibiotic therapy. Then a natural period with a repeat endometrial function test to confirm that the treatment fixed the problem. HOPEFULLY if all goes well we will then proceed with a NATURAL FET after that.
Sooo we are looking at a 4-6 month wait before our next FET. Not to mention 3 months of misery on the Depo-Lupron (it puts you into artificial menopause... so hot flashes, night sweats, decreased libido, mood swings, etc...). So please say a prayer that I (and my family) survive the next 3 months in 1 piece.
I can't wait to post again about my next FET... hopefully it'll be a success after all this work.
Basically it could mean 1 of a few things. Either BMI issue (not likely since I am at a healthy BMI), stress (who ISN'T stressed... no real treatment if this is the case), hydrosalpinx (hasn't been seen on any of my ultrasounds to date, so probably not the cause), or endometriosis or endometritis (scarring or inflammation of the uterine lining). Since the last 2 are the only real plausible and treatable causes my RE/RI decided that I need to start treatment for both asap.
The combined treatments are as follows: 3 months of Depo-Lupron (Lupron Depot) followed by 3 weeks of multi-antibiotic therapy. Then a natural period with a repeat endometrial function test to confirm that the treatment fixed the problem. HOPEFULLY if all goes well we will then proceed with a NATURAL FET after that.
Sooo we are looking at a 4-6 month wait before our next FET. Not to mention 3 months of misery on the Depo-Lupron (it puts you into artificial menopause... so hot flashes, night sweats, decreased libido, mood swings, etc...). So please say a prayer that I (and my family) survive the next 3 months in 1 piece.
I can't wait to post again about my next FET... hopefully it'll be a success after all this work.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Pink FET #3
First Update 6/20/12:
I start Lupron on June 27th (1 week from today!) and I also have an endometrial biopsy the same day with my local OB/GYN. Then the rundown goes something like this...
After Lupron I wait for my natural period to start (in my case it is usually 2 weeks after starting the Lupron), then around CD 1 I start the Estrace and gradually increase the dose. Also on CD 1 I start Lovenox & Baby Aspirin (ASA). 5 days prior to FET (CD 15) I start PIO injections, Medrol, & Doxy. Then on CD 20 I get my transfer!!! My best guess based on previous FET timing will be that the FET will be around August 6th. Of course I would absolutely LOVE IT if it were earlier than that, but this is my guesstimation.
Here's hoping that third times a charm! I really really really want it to work this time! I've always wanted an April baby and that is when my due date would fall if it works this time around!!! Fingers mega crossed!!! =)
Update 6/25/12:
Can time possibly move any slower??? I am SO ready for this FET!!! I start Lupron on Wednesday (6/27) and I also have an endometrial biopsy that day as well! FX this is THE cycle for us!!! =)
Update 6/27/12:
So today was a big day in the early phase of this FET! I started my Lupron this morning (YAY!). I also had my endometrial biopsy (which I forgot how uncomfortable that was). And lastly, I got a +OPK! So that means I am about 2 weeks away from my next period starting, and thus, the real "thick" of this FET. If things keep going well... I may be looking at a transfer more around August 1st or 2nd instead of the 6th or 7th. Here's hoping!!! Every little bit counts! I'm SO ready to get my baby girl in there! And praying SO much that she sticks!
Update 7/13/12:
So I FINALLY started my period today (I was truly beginning to think would never happen!) which means we finally have an official transfer date! I start my Estrace, baby ASA, and Lovenox tomorrow, and my transfer will be on August 2nd! I will find out what time the night before. So... WOO HOO! Less than 3 weeks now!!!
Update 7/23/12:
I had my lining check today and it was at 8mm and there were only small cysts on my ovaries (which is good considering I have PCOS ovaries and sometimes the cysts grow to 20, 30mm). It was the longest DA of my life! 3.5 hours waiting!!! Long story short, they call it "Decision Day" there and they have it once a month and it is super crowded...remind me to ask next time I schedule an appointment if it is "Decision Day" so I can avoid it! Erg! I have been working on arranging my Intralipid infusion and hopefully will get that done this week sometime or early next week per Dr. B's instructions. Other than that things are looking good! Just gotta make it 10 more days and then I'll be PUPO! Hopefully! I cannot wait!
Update 7/31/12:
2 more days!!! We leave for Atlanta tomorrow!!!! I am SOOO excited!!! Uber nervous of course, too, but trying to focus on the hope and excitement b/c those are much more positive emotions than anxiety and nervousness!! I'll update again soon!!!
Update 8/15/12:
So I guess I've been too down in the dumps to update... but I had my FET on August 2nd and everything went as perfectly as it could. 7 days later I got a super duper faint positive home pregnancy test. So the next day (8dp5dt) I went in for a beta HCG and it was 7... so not a great number. Had a repeat test on Monday and it was 2. So it was a chemical pregnancy. So sad. We are just moving forward now (again). Maybe doing a natural FET next since it's the only thing we haven't tried. Have a consult with Dr. B on Aug 31st to see if he has any new ideas to check why I'm still losing babies. I guess I'll update once I know something new. Just waiting for AF to start so we can move on.
I start Lupron on June 27th (1 week from today!) and I also have an endometrial biopsy the same day with my local OB/GYN. Then the rundown goes something like this...
After Lupron I wait for my natural period to start (in my case it is usually 2 weeks after starting the Lupron), then around CD 1 I start the Estrace and gradually increase the dose. Also on CD 1 I start Lovenox & Baby Aspirin (ASA). 5 days prior to FET (CD 15) I start PIO injections, Medrol, & Doxy. Then on CD 20 I get my transfer!!! My best guess based on previous FET timing will be that the FET will be around August 6th. Of course I would absolutely LOVE IT if it were earlier than that, but this is my guesstimation.
Here's hoping that third times a charm! I really really really want it to work this time! I've always wanted an April baby and that is when my due date would fall if it works this time around!!! Fingers mega crossed!!! =)
Update 6/25/12:
Can time possibly move any slower??? I am SO ready for this FET!!! I start Lupron on Wednesday (6/27) and I also have an endometrial biopsy that day as well! FX this is THE cycle for us!!! =)
Update 6/27/12:
So today was a big day in the early phase of this FET! I started my Lupron this morning (YAY!). I also had my endometrial biopsy (which I forgot how uncomfortable that was). And lastly, I got a +OPK! So that means I am about 2 weeks away from my next period starting, and thus, the real "thick" of this FET. If things keep going well... I may be looking at a transfer more around August 1st or 2nd instead of the 6th or 7th. Here's hoping!!! Every little bit counts! I'm SO ready to get my baby girl in there! And praying SO much that she sticks!
Update 7/13/12:
So I FINALLY started my period today (I was truly beginning to think would never happen!) which means we finally have an official transfer date! I start my Estrace, baby ASA, and Lovenox tomorrow, and my transfer will be on August 2nd! I will find out what time the night before. So... WOO HOO! Less than 3 weeks now!!!
Update 7/23/12:
I had my lining check today and it was at 8mm and there were only small cysts on my ovaries (which is good considering I have PCOS ovaries and sometimes the cysts grow to 20, 30mm). It was the longest DA of my life! 3.5 hours waiting!!! Long story short, they call it "Decision Day" there and they have it once a month and it is super crowded...remind me to ask next time I schedule an appointment if it is "Decision Day" so I can avoid it! Erg! I have been working on arranging my Intralipid infusion and hopefully will get that done this week sometime or early next week per Dr. B's instructions. Other than that things are looking good! Just gotta make it 10 more days and then I'll be PUPO! Hopefully! I cannot wait!
Update 7/31/12:
2 more days!!! We leave for Atlanta tomorrow!!!! I am SOOO excited!!! Uber nervous of course, too, but trying to focus on the hope and excitement b/c those are much more positive emotions than anxiety and nervousness!! I'll update again soon!!!
Update 8/15/12:
So I guess I've been too down in the dumps to update... but I had my FET on August 2nd and everything went as perfectly as it could. 7 days later I got a super duper faint positive home pregnancy test. So the next day (8dp5dt) I went in for a beta HCG and it was 7... so not a great number. Had a repeat test on Monday and it was 2. So it was a chemical pregnancy. So sad. We are just moving forward now (again). Maybe doing a natural FET next since it's the only thing we haven't tried. Have a consult with Dr. B on Aug 31st to see if he has any new ideas to check why I'm still losing babies. I guess I'll update once I know something new. Just waiting for AF to start so we can move on.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
2nd ER Cycle
5/23 (DOC 5)
Well, on Saturday May 19th we began our 2nd egg retrieval cycle (with a planned freeze). I will skip all the drama that started the cycle and just move on to the important stuff!
Today is cycle day 5 (only had 3 stims so far though) and I had my first ultrasound. A 35mm cyst on my right ovary that we found on DOC 1 was magically gone!!! I'm not sure how that happened, but it is truly a miracle! So far there were 17 little follicles blossoming between the 2 ovaries! So all good news! My next appointment is Friday IN Atlanta so I leave tomorrow! I am SO nervous about leaving DH and my son but they are joining me Saturday afternoon so I won't be alone for too long! Whew! I would go crazy with a week alone in this miserable stimulated condition!!!
I'll try to keep all my updates here so it'll be one long blog post instead of 10 short ones!
Update: 5/25
Today's appointment went well! I have 18 follicles today & my estradiol was 1118. This is such a pleasant change from my last cycle where I was blossoming new follicles every day (ending up with 49!) and my estradiol got over 5000! Although I must admit I'm nervous that with fewer eggs my chances of getting healthy girls might be lower. But I'm not going to think that way! I'm going to tell myself that since I have fewer, and have been taking supplements & Metformin they're all going to be great quality! And hopefully at least 2 will be girls... please oh please!
Update 5/27
Well yesterday my folly count was 26 and my E2 was 2090. Today it is 31 follicles and E2 is 3414. And it looks like today is the trigger day! Bumping everything up a day! Yay! I am taking my HCG trigger tonight at 9:30pm and my ER will be Tuesday at 9:30am! Really moving right along now! SO ready to be done with this ER cycle!!! Wishing and Hoping and Praying for some normal XXs!!!
Update 5/27 PM
Just gave my HCG trigger shot!!! Was VERY nervous about using a 1.5" needle (did all my PIO injections with a 1" needle), but we used a frozen pancake to numb the site (best we could come up with) and it was easy peasy! Whew! 1 step closer to getting this cycle OVER with!!! So ready to move towards being pregnant again! Still wishing and hoping and praying for some normal XXs!!!
Update 5/29
Today is the BIG day! At 9:30am I should be "out cold" getting my eggs retrieved! I am nervous and excited all at the same time! I just hope and pray that we get a good number of healthy eggs. And of course that they go on to become aCGH normal females... I'll update later. =)
Update 5/31
Well the big day has come and gone! On 5/29 we had 34 eggs retrieved! Out of those 34, 20 were mature, and then apparently 3 more matured so a total of 23 were ICSI'd. Then on 5/30 we had a grand total of 19 embryos growing!!! So now it is a waiting game! We get our next update on Monday about how many made it to day 5 (blastocyst) for aCGH at Genesis. Hopefully we have a good number go to PGD and hopefully we have a lucky gender split! Only time will tell I guess! FX for some good results over the next few weeks! I'll update again when I know more!
Update 6/4
Today I got the news that 16 of my embryos made it to blastocyst stage and thus were biopsied and frozen! I am very excited about that number!!! I was hoping for 15, but 1 extra is even better! Now it is probably another week long waiting game until I get the PGD report from Genesis about how many normal girls we have. So we are continuing to pray for good news! Will update once I get the report!
Update 6/20
Not sure how I forgot to post on here! Oops! I had a grand total of 5 healthy female embryos after aCGH testing!!! Hurray!!! We also had 2 healthy boys that were frozen. Whew! It was SUCH a relief to hear that we made some females finally! Now here's hoping one of those lovely ladies will be my future daughter!!!
Well, on Saturday May 19th we began our 2nd egg retrieval cycle (with a planned freeze). I will skip all the drama that started the cycle and just move on to the important stuff!
Today is cycle day 5 (only had 3 stims so far though) and I had my first ultrasound. A 35mm cyst on my right ovary that we found on DOC 1 was magically gone!!! I'm not sure how that happened, but it is truly a miracle! So far there were 17 little follicles blossoming between the 2 ovaries! So all good news! My next appointment is Friday IN Atlanta so I leave tomorrow! I am SO nervous about leaving DH and my son but they are joining me Saturday afternoon so I won't be alone for too long! Whew! I would go crazy with a week alone in this miserable stimulated condition!!!
I'll try to keep all my updates here so it'll be one long blog post instead of 10 short ones!
Update: 5/25
Today's appointment went well! I have 18 follicles today & my estradiol was 1118. This is such a pleasant change from my last cycle where I was blossoming new follicles every day (ending up with 49!) and my estradiol got over 5000! Although I must admit I'm nervous that with fewer eggs my chances of getting healthy girls might be lower. But I'm not going to think that way! I'm going to tell myself that since I have fewer, and have been taking supplements & Metformin they're all going to be great quality! And hopefully at least 2 will be girls... please oh please!
Update 5/27
Well yesterday my folly count was 26 and my E2 was 2090. Today it is 31 follicles and E2 is 3414. And it looks like today is the trigger day! Bumping everything up a day! Yay! I am taking my HCG trigger tonight at 9:30pm and my ER will be Tuesday at 9:30am! Really moving right along now! SO ready to be done with this ER cycle!!! Wishing and Hoping and Praying for some normal XXs!!!
Update 5/27 PM
Just gave my HCG trigger shot!!! Was VERY nervous about using a 1.5" needle (did all my PIO injections with a 1" needle), but we used a frozen pancake to numb the site (best we could come up with) and it was easy peasy! Whew! 1 step closer to getting this cycle OVER with!!! So ready to move towards being pregnant again! Still wishing and hoping and praying for some normal XXs!!!
Update 5/29
Today is the BIG day! At 9:30am I should be "out cold" getting my eggs retrieved! I am nervous and excited all at the same time! I just hope and pray that we get a good number of healthy eggs. And of course that they go on to become aCGH normal females... I'll update later. =)
Update 5/31
Well the big day has come and gone! On 5/29 we had 34 eggs retrieved! Out of those 34, 20 were mature, and then apparently 3 more matured so a total of 23 were ICSI'd. Then on 5/30 we had a grand total of 19 embryos growing!!! So now it is a waiting game! We get our next update on Monday about how many made it to day 5 (blastocyst) for aCGH at Genesis. Hopefully we have a good number go to PGD and hopefully we have a lucky gender split! Only time will tell I guess! FX for some good results over the next few weeks! I'll update again when I know more!
Update 6/4
Today I got the news that 16 of my embryos made it to blastocyst stage and thus were biopsied and frozen! I am very excited about that number!!! I was hoping for 15, but 1 extra is even better! Now it is probably another week long waiting game until I get the PGD report from Genesis about how many normal girls we have. So we are continuing to pray for good news! Will update once I get the report!
Update 6/20
Not sure how I forgot to post on here! Oops! I had a grand total of 5 healthy female embryos after aCGH testing!!! Hurray!!! We also had 2 healthy boys that were frozen. Whew! It was SUCH a relief to hear that we made some females finally! Now here's hoping one of those lovely ladies will be my future daughter!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Starting Over...
So I just received the HORRIBLE news that out of our 17 frozen eggs that were thawed, fertilized, and biopsied with aCGH at Genesis... we had 3 healthy BOYS. No girls.
So we are really and truly starting over again. Not just with another FET but with the WHOLE embryo retrieval process.
Can't I ever just get ONE shred of good news? Can't ANYTHING ever go my way? Why does the universe not want me to have a daughter? Why can't my husband produce any healthy females? Why does my body KILL the only one we ever got to stick in my uterus? WHY?
I am pissed beyond words. Frustrated. Angry. Sad. Depressed. Resentful. Miserable. F***ING MISERABLE...
So we are really and truly starting over again. Not just with another FET but with the WHOLE embryo retrieval process.
Can't I ever just get ONE shred of good news? Can't ANYTHING ever go my way? Why does the universe not want me to have a daughter? Why can't my husband produce any healthy females? Why does my body KILL the only one we ever got to stick in my uterus? WHY?
I am pissed beyond words. Frustrated. Angry. Sad. Depressed. Resentful. Miserable. F***ING MISERABLE...
Sunday, March 18, 2012
So I absolutely haven't been handling my grief very well lately. I am SO angry and it seems to be escaping around all of the people that I love the most. Most importantly, I keep lashing out at my poor husband. He has been so patient with me and I know that he must be grieving, too, but he is keeping it together much better than I am. It it breaking my heart. Well, correction, my heart is already in a million pieces. I don't know how to put it back together again. I cry all of the time. I want my baby girl back SOOO badly. I do not know how people move on from these kinds of losses. The only time of day that I am able to be semi-happy is when I'm with my beautiful son. He is the light of my life in this dark & dreary time. I am SO blessed to have him. So blessed that he "made the cut" and survived to be my living, breathing, beautiful child. It almost makes my gender desire go away. But now I've invested too much time, too much money, and too much emotionally to walk away. And I still want a daughter. But at what cost? I'm not sure...
I hope you enjoy the new playlist I added to my blog. The songs are all dedicated to my angel baby.
I hope you enjoy the new playlist I added to my blog. The songs are all dedicated to my angel baby.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The actual miscarriage began today. It is a lot different than I expected. Passed several large clots and it has been extremely heavy bleeding. Although the heaviness seems to comes and go. I feel so very sad. And also a little bit empty. I just feel so extremely depressed. I try to do fun things, especially with DS, to take my mind off of things but it is always temporary. Anytime I have some time alone (even if I'm just alone in my head) I can't stop thinking about the baby girl that I lost and the pregnancy that will never be. I just want all of the pain to be over. I want to have moved on from this. I am sure that the only way I will ever truly move on is to become pregnant again (and STAY pregnant). However I do not want to rush into it.
We are planning some fun vacations to start making "happy memories" to replace some of the horrible ones that have occurred lately. Hopefully it works. It if means pushing back my next FET to June instead of May... so be it. I think all of the waiting and disappointment has finally gotten rid of my impatience. I just finally realized... I'm in NO rush. I am not RACING anyone. I am YOUNG. My son is still a "baby" in my eyes (even though he'll be 2 in less than 3 months). There is plenty of time for a nice AGE GAP between my babies. I always said I wanted them 2-3 years apart. If I am closer to 3 years than 2... SO WHAT? What's the different? Honestly, it's probably easier to have a baby with a 3 year old running around than a 2 year old. Kids seem to get less "needy" the older they get. At least DS is getting less needy. He is definitely getting his "terrible two's attitude" as I call it... but he is growing more and more independent every day and saying more and more words.
The point I'm trying to make is... I have the TIME. Whether or not I have the emotional energy to keep going... that is a different story. But time I have. I don't know how to survive another miscarriage should that occur... but I am working to prevent that. I already filled out a questionnaire for Dr. Braverman to get a consult and maybe do some immune testing on myself. We shall see where that goes. If it is going to add thousands more dollars to the already growing bill I have accumulated... I might have to pass on his recommendations and take my chances... but I just want to give it a shot.
But for now I am just focusing on healing. Healing my body. Healing my mind. Healing my heart. The rest will come.
We are planning some fun vacations to start making "happy memories" to replace some of the horrible ones that have occurred lately. Hopefully it works. It if means pushing back my next FET to June instead of May... so be it. I think all of the waiting and disappointment has finally gotten rid of my impatience. I just finally realized... I'm in NO rush. I am not RACING anyone. I am YOUNG. My son is still a "baby" in my eyes (even though he'll be 2 in less than 3 months). There is plenty of time for a nice AGE GAP between my babies. I always said I wanted them 2-3 years apart. If I am closer to 3 years than 2... SO WHAT? What's the different? Honestly, it's probably easier to have a baby with a 3 year old running around than a 2 year old. Kids seem to get less "needy" the older they get. At least DS is getting less needy. He is definitely getting his "terrible two's attitude" as I call it... but he is growing more and more independent every day and saying more and more words.
The point I'm trying to make is... I have the TIME. Whether or not I have the emotional energy to keep going... that is a different story. But time I have. I don't know how to survive another miscarriage should that occur... but I am working to prevent that. I already filled out a questionnaire for Dr. Braverman to get a consult and maybe do some immune testing on myself. We shall see where that goes. If it is going to add thousands more dollars to the already growing bill I have accumulated... I might have to pass on his recommendations and take my chances... but I just want to give it a shot.
But for now I am just focusing on healing. Healing my body. Healing my mind. Healing my heart. The rest will come.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Well, just a quick update. At 7 weeks along, I had another u/s and baby girl actually had a heart beat. We were all shocked and amazed and nobody could explain it (since my betas were dropping and my baby was measuring a week behind). But we did another u/s at 8 weeks and baby hadn't grown at all (so by then she was 2 weeks behind) and her heart had stopped beating. So that settles that. I am just waiting now to start the actual miscarriage. We are giving it time to see if it will happen naturally and in 2 weeks or so we will consider inducing the miscarriage with meds (whatever they are).
Of course I'm devastated. I was actually prepared to hear that she was "gone" at the 7 week u/s, but when I heard she had a HB, I didn't care that she measured "off"... I regained all of my hope and prayed and prayed but it wasn't enough. She just wasn't strong enough.
I'm not sure where to go from here. We are planning a few vacations to start creating some happy memories to counteract all of the bad we've formed recently. Hopefully it helps with the emotional pain. I've been reading books a lot to get my mind off of things, but the pain is always there. There are reminders everywhere and I cannot stop thinking about my angel baby girl.
Oh well, I know that when I finally have another baby (whether boy or girl) I will not wish things had gone any differently. I'll fall instantly in love with him or her and know that he/she was MEANT to be MY baby. So it's OK.
Not sure what we're going to in regards to IVF changes. Dr. T wants to stick with the same protocol and not change anything. No new testing or anything. I'm not sure I'm OK with this... I can't accept that we aren't going to change ANYTHING. To me, saying we're going to do the exact same thing makes me think that we will have the EXACT same results (either a BFN or another miscarriage). I want a chance. I want to test my body for reasons why this could have happened. I have considered consulting with Dr. Braverman in NYC who is a reproductive immunologist. He claims to have many tests and treatments for women with recurring pregnancy loss. I'm not sure I can justify the cost though. And Dr. Toledo doesn't even believe in immune testing/ treatment. He says that the "literature doesn't support it". Maybe that's true but I feel like I've got to do SOMETHING. I want a baby so badly and I cannot stand to go through another miscarriage again.
So we'll see. Right now there is nothing to do but sit and wait for the miscarriage to begin. Then we will move forward.
Of course I'm devastated. I was actually prepared to hear that she was "gone" at the 7 week u/s, but when I heard she had a HB, I didn't care that she measured "off"... I regained all of my hope and prayed and prayed but it wasn't enough. She just wasn't strong enough.
I'm not sure where to go from here. We are planning a few vacations to start creating some happy memories to counteract all of the bad we've formed recently. Hopefully it helps with the emotional pain. I've been reading books a lot to get my mind off of things, but the pain is always there. There are reminders everywhere and I cannot stop thinking about my angel baby girl.
Oh well, I know that when I finally have another baby (whether boy or girl) I will not wish things had gone any differently. I'll fall instantly in love with him or her and know that he/she was MEANT to be MY baby. So it's OK.
Not sure what we're going to in regards to IVF changes. Dr. T wants to stick with the same protocol and not change anything. No new testing or anything. I'm not sure I'm OK with this... I can't accept that we aren't going to change ANYTHING. To me, saying we're going to do the exact same thing makes me think that we will have the EXACT same results (either a BFN or another miscarriage). I want a chance. I want to test my body for reasons why this could have happened. I have considered consulting with Dr. Braverman in NYC who is a reproductive immunologist. He claims to have many tests and treatments for women with recurring pregnancy loss. I'm not sure I can justify the cost though. And Dr. Toledo doesn't even believe in immune testing/ treatment. He says that the "literature doesn't support it". Maybe that's true but I feel like I've got to do SOMETHING. I want a baby so badly and I cannot stand to go through another miscarriage again.
So we'll see. Right now there is nothing to do but sit and wait for the miscarriage to begin. Then we will move forward.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Well, Dr. T called me yesterday and actually told me that he is still holding out hope for this pregnancy. He says that the betas are no reason to consider the pregnancy over and only an u/s next week will verify whether or not this is a viable pregnancy. Long story short... I'm getting another u/s on Tuesday. If there is a HB then we might be in good shape, but if there is no progression and no HB then it is over and I'll stop my meds. I do not think that my chances are very good for a happy ending, but it's better than the 0 hope I had Mon/Tues...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Chemical Pregnancy
Well, unfortunately, the title says it all. As my last post mentioned, I did in fact get pregnant. My first beta was 200, my second beta was over 3000!!!! Then my 3rd beta had only gone up to 5000. My first indication that something was wrong (the numbers should AT LEAST double every 2-3 days and that was 3 days later and hadn't doubled yet). So they had me draw a 4th beta on Monday and my level had dropped to 4000, indicating that I would lose the baby. They got me in for an ultrasound ASAP yesterday and it showed that the embryo had stopped progressing at 5w1d. Pretty much the exact day that my beta showed a sign of distress. I should have been 5w6d but the embryo was not there. And of course, there was no heartbeat. I am still awaiting further instructions from my RE regarding stopping the medications (yes, it is torture to be taking meds knowing that it is pointless), but my u/s was kinda late yesterday and I guess they did not get the report before they went home for the day. Hopefully I'll hear back soon and be allowed to discontinue all my medications so I can "pass" the baby and move on. I'm not exactly sure how long it will be until I am allowed to cycle again. And at this point I don't even have any more frozen healthy girls. We do have 17 frozen EGGS though and DH left a sperm sample that is on ice. So they will have to thaw the eggs, fertilize them, let them grow 5 days, biopsy them, freeze them again, await the biopsy results, then thaw them again for the transfer. Honestly, it seems like too much to ask of such fragile little eggs. I'm not sure what to expect with my next FET. We are considering putting back 2 embryos next time, but neither DH nor I want twins but I guess it might be a risk we are willing to take at this point. I cannot bare much more heartache and disappointment. Two babies would be better than none. I am obviously devastated and grieving. So I will update when I can, but I am going to try to relax and stop thinking about this so much b/c it just breaks my heart over and over again.
Friday, February 10, 2012
I can't believe it took me 3 days to post on the blog... but I got my BFP on Tuesday!!!!! I fell to the floor and started crying immediately!!! I am just still in shock that I will get to be pregnant again and with a baby girl (hopefully)!!!!! Life can't get much better than this!!! It is still very early, and I am only too aware of that... I know we have several hurdles to cross before I can relax and enjoy this pregnancy, but at least step 1 is over-- step 1 being our first beta! It was 200 @ 10dp5dt! Which is just perfect!!! I can only wish and pray that Monday's beta will be equally as promising!!! So scared about ALL the things that can still go wrong, but seeming as though this might be my last pregnancy ever I want to relax and enjoy it! But I know I won't fully relax until I see that tiny little heart beating away on the u/s in a few weeks. For now just wishing the time away until that big u/s day!!! Here are some beautiful BFP pictures!!!
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1st BFPs at 8dp5dt on Tuesday 2/7/12 (Digi EPT and FRER) |
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Comparing BFPs from 8dp5dt and 9dp5dt |
Monday, February 6, 2012
1 more day before POAS!
So tomorrow is the BIG day when I'll POAS and find out whether or not this worked and whether I am pregnant!!! In lieu of the big occasion I have updated my "pros & cons" list with some more "signs". Here is why I am so internally conflicted about whether or not I believe this has worked:
So... as you can see... I WANT to think positive and tell myself this worked... but there are many things against me, too. I have acupuncture again today so hopefully that'll help me relax a little. And I'm trying to stay busy today. It has been SO hard to wait until 8dp5dt!! I am very proud that I haven't caved yet and POAS! I thought I would! Actually, today is the biggest day that I resisted. But that's only b/c I forced DH to hide all my home pregnancy tests where I couldn't find them!!! But now that I've already had my FMU (and SMU) I'm not worried about caving. If I'm gonna POAS I'm gonna do it right and use FMU (first morning urine).
Well, I'm UBER nervous and UBER excited. All of my family members think that this worked. But they do not really understand the process. DH and I are cautiously optimistic...
- Acupuncture (weeks prior and before/after ET)
- Good lining measurements
- Endometrial biopsy to help lining
- On Lovenox (however, con is blood clotting issues…)
- Meditating daily (Circle + Bloom & Anji)
- DH assisted in Atlanta during ET (no lifting/took it easy)
- Coin flip landed on heads (good)
- On PIO instead of Crinone for better progesterone absorption (although levels low… so not working??)
- Cramps in uterus (could be meds or coughing muscles are sore) & sore boobies (could still be meds)
- Ate pineapple core daily post ET & had cayenne pepper on egg mcmuffin before ET for luck
- Had a dream that I was holding my baby girl
- Cold/persistent dry cough/ thick nasal congestion on day of ET and week during POAS wait
- Low hormones (progesterone & estrogen)
- High TSH
- DS very stressful on Wednesday post ET (2dp5dt)
- Poor looking embryo (although RE said it was "excellent quality"... I think it didn't survive the thaw in as good of condition as it went into the thaw, just my idiot opinion)
- MTHFR Deficiency & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis medical issues
- Had a dream that pregnancy test was negative (superstition)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
PUPO (again)!
Well, I am officially PUPO (again)!!!! This time I feel so much more relaxed. Also MUCH less excited. Almost as if I already know I failed. I know that sounds like a BAD thing, but it is easier to feel this way (I am WAY more relaxed) than to be all jittery and excited thinking it worked. Backwards thinking I realize... lol.
Here is a picture of the lucky embryo!!! Hopefully she is a sticky bean!!
Just for comparison... here is what my LAST blastocyst looked like...
As you can see the current blastocyst is not as expanded as the first one and doesn't look as good (in my opinion at least)... BUT... ya know what? That first blast didn't stick! So maybe it is a good thing that FET#2 looks nothing like FET#1. =)
Here is a picture of the lucky embryo!!! Hopefully she is a sticky bean!!
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Embryo #6!!! PUPO in my belly now! |
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FET #1... BFN... =( |
As you can see the current blastocyst is not as expanded as the first one and doesn't look as good (in my opinion at least)... BUT... ya know what? That first blast didn't stick! So maybe it is a good thing that FET#2 looks nothing like FET#1. =)
So now I am PUPO and just waiting to POAS!!! Not sure when I will officially start POAS. I want to try to wait until Tuesday Feb 7th. My beta isn't until Thur Feb 9th. Which is 10 dp5dt. Maybe I can wait that long? IDK... only time will tell what happens with this attempt!
Wish us luck!!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The final countdown...
... has begun!!! We are T-minus 4 days in counting until the big T-day (transfer day)!!! I guess (unfortunately) I am getting excited and even a tad bit optimistic about this cycle. It kind of sucks b/c it will make for a bigger letdown if I get a BFN... but it's impossible NOT to get excited about something THIS big!!!
I began the final "phase" of FET meds yesterday. Started the Medrol & Doxycycline pills. And the Lovenox SQ injections. And the dreaded PIO (progesterone in oil) IM injections!!! I can honestly say the build-up has been worse than the actual injections! They don't even hurt!! The only thing that sucks is how sore my bum is the next day. My husband is doing a great job at injecting the shots. I am very proud of him!
We fly to Atlanta Sunday morning and have the evening free to ourselves! DS is staying with my parents but DH is actually joining me this time. I am kind of excited about night #1. Dinner & a movie maybe? But night #2 is going to be "light activity"... but I'll probably do bedrest just to be extra careful. Don't want another repeat of last cycle (nor the same results).
Well... more to come in the near future!!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
2 more weeks!!!
I upped my Estrace to 2 pills twice daily as of today!! Friday is the next medication increase!!! Oh yeah, and Friday is also my first lining check!! Can't wait to actually "see" what is going on down there! I keep wondering and wondering if I have developed more cysts. Sometimes I get cramps around my ovaries and I think to myself, "It is probably a cyst causing that cramping". I hope I am wrong. Fingers crossed that everything looks good on Friday!!! EEEKK!! Hopefully these next 2 weeks will FLY by as quickly as this past weekend did!
I upped my Estrace to 2 pills twice daily as of today!! Friday is the next medication increase!!! Oh yeah, and Friday is also my first lining check!! Can't wait to actually "see" what is going on down there! I keep wondering and wondering if I have developed more cysts. Sometimes I get cramps around my ovaries and I think to myself, "It is probably a cyst causing that cramping". I hope I am wrong. Fingers crossed that everything looks good on Friday!!! EEEKK!! Hopefully these next 2 weeks will FLY by as quickly as this past weekend did!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Closer and closer...
The big day is getting closer and closer!!! I cannot believe that I am a little over 2 weeks away from my FET! I might be pregnant in a few weeks!! I am SO excited!!!
I have been on Estrace now for 4 days and my dose goes up on Monday! My u/s is less than a week away!!! Anyway, no real new news to share just thought I'd post about my excitement and how close it is to D-Day!!! =)
I have been on Estrace now for 4 days and my dose goes up on Monday! My u/s is less than a week away!!! Anyway, no real new news to share just thought I'd post about my excitement and how close it is to D-Day!!! =)
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Date is Set!
So I spoke with my RE's nurse today and we have a transfer date!!!!!
JANUARY 30th!!!
That is the day I *might* become pregnant!!! I am SO excited! I hope the next 3 weeks fly by as quickly as possible!!!
That means my *possible* due date would be October 17th! So... I can "announce" my pregnancy around 8-9 weeks pregnant (Sometime between Feb 28th-March 13). Then I can "announce" the gender around week 16 (April 25-May 1---- Assuming it is a confirmed GIRL! lol). I cannot wait to finally get to utter those words, "It's a Girl"!!! It's something I have been hearing A LOT from friends lately, but I have never spoken. I cannot even explain the jealousy and sadness I hear every time I hear that phrase. I cannot wait for it to finally be my turn!!! I want a daughter so badly!!! I want my baby boy to have a little sister to protect and befriend! I want my family to be complete with my Sweet Prince and my Fairy Princess!!!
I start Estrace on Wednesday (Jan 11th) and my first lining check is January 20th at the local RE's office. Oh why can't time speed up? Or why can't I have a window into the future to see whether or not this is going to work (And whether or not I should get excited or prepare for the worst again?)...
Only time will tell I guess!
JANUARY 30th!!!
That is the day I *might* become pregnant!!! I am SO excited! I hope the next 3 weeks fly by as quickly as possible!!!
That means my *possible* due date would be October 17th! So... I can "announce" my pregnancy around 8-9 weeks pregnant (Sometime between Feb 28th-March 13). Then I can "announce" the gender around week 16 (April 25-May 1---- Assuming it is a confirmed GIRL! lol). I cannot wait to finally get to utter those words, "It's a Girl"!!! It's something I have been hearing A LOT from friends lately, but I have never spoken. I cannot even explain the jealousy and sadness I hear every time I hear that phrase. I cannot wait for it to finally be my turn!!! I want a daughter so badly!!! I want my baby boy to have a little sister to protect and befriend! I want my family to be complete with my Sweet Prince and my Fairy Princess!!!
I start Estrace on Wednesday (Jan 11th) and my first lining check is January 20th at the local RE's office. Oh why can't time speed up? Or why can't I have a window into the future to see whether or not this is going to work (And whether or not I should get excited or prepare for the worst again?)...
Only time will tell I guess!
Friday, January 6, 2012
I am so ready to get this party started!!!!
Tonight I noticed a tiny bit of spotting so I assume that AF will start in full-force tomorrow! That means I am only a few short weeks away from my second FET! OF COURSE my body would choose to start AF on a Saturday... so I won't be technically "starting my FET cycle" until next week sometime. I would say Wednesday at the EARLIEST. Maybe Thursday or Friday even. I say that b/c embryo transfers aren't performed on weekend days. And if they started the Estrace Monday or Tuesday, the ET would fall on a Saturday or Sunday. So I HOPE they start me Wednesday and don't push it back much further. That puts my ET around January 30th, 31st, or February 1st or 2nd. And that puts my EDD around October 17th-20th. Not a bad time of year for a birthday IMO. =)
Tonight I noticed a tiny bit of spotting so I assume that AF will start in full-force tomorrow! That means I am only a few short weeks away from my second FET! OF COURSE my body would choose to start AF on a Saturday... so I won't be technically "starting my FET cycle" until next week sometime. I would say Wednesday at the EARLIEST. Maybe Thursday or Friday even. I say that b/c embryo transfers aren't performed on weekend days. And if they started the Estrace Monday or Tuesday, the ET would fall on a Saturday or Sunday. So I HOPE they start me Wednesday and don't push it back much further. That puts my ET around January 30th, 31st, or February 1st or 2nd. And that puts my EDD around October 17th-20th. Not a bad time of year for a birthday IMO. =)
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