Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Baby Fever

Got a serious case of Baby Fever today... cannot stop thinking about how excited and anxious I am to get started with this IVF process so I can be pregnant with my dream daughter! Not sure I can even stand the month long wait I have left before my IVF consultation!!! Let alone another 4 months or so after that! I really want to get started ASAP! Kinda glad I pushed my consult to the end of July b/c if it were sooner I would probably be wanting to get pg even sooner than I physically can already! Geez! The good thing is that I think my DH is willing to CONSIDER bumping up our start date. Not sure how much sooner he is willing to get started, but I hope we are on the same page when it comes that time that I cannot stand to wait any longer!

I think getting my cycle back has added fuel to the fire. Knowing that I was ovulating last week for the first time in 2 years was a really emotional experience. I was excited to know that I am fertile again. Bummed to know AF will be coming to visit in 2 weeks. And nostalgic knowing that the last time I ovulated I became pregnant with my DS! What a miraculous time that was! The last OPKs I peed on before the ones last week were the ones that helped me conceive my amazing son. So special! So emotional!

Kinda makes me wonder what this egg would have become had I "fertilized" it! lol. Maybe it would have been a girl! And all of this IVF planning would have been pointless. Maybe I would have gotten my dream daughter without all the pain and money that IVF costs! Geez. This process is full of "what ifs".

I hope I can stand to wait a little longer before starting IVF!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Pregnancy Dream!

Only this time I got pregnant naturally on accident and all I remember was crying my eyes out feeling "sure" it was a boy again. I remember being mad that we got pregnant naturally b/c we were planning to do PGD and now we couldn't! 

Well, when I woke up, I freaked out a little (b/c since I'm still breastfeeding I have yet to have a period) and so I POAS to make sure I'm not having pregnancy dreams b/c I'm actually pregnant. Whew. It was a negative (BFN!). Thank goodness! Not that we have not been "careful", but not having had a period in 2 years makes me always a little nervous. 

On the IVF front-- We cannot decide on a permanent "start date". As I've mentioned we started out saying February 2012. Then we bumped it up to December 2011. Now I am not sure. Some days I am sooo excited and anxious and want to start ASAP, but then some days I fear I might rush into it and I want to wait until December again. 

The only thing that is for certain is that our consultation is July 29th. After that we will just have to see what we really feel like doing. Whatever feels right. I'm not sure what that is today, but I hope I will know soon.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Just wanted to update and say that there really isn't anything TO update!!! Getting SUPER excited about my consult with RBA next month!!! I know it is a small step, but it is our first official step towards getting IVF for our baby girl!!! I am still waiting to get my period back since breastfeeding my son, and I don't know how pre-testing works, but I might need to have a normal cycle before getting all my bloodwork and tests done. However, I am SO excited to get all my pre-testing work done and see results to see whether or not I am going to be a good IVF candidate! As early as I am allowed I will be pre-testing!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6 months!!

Today is June 1st, which means December, and the month I start my GS IVF journey, is in only 6 months!!! I am soooo excited to get the journey started, but there is so much living to enjoy in the meantime!! I am loving watching my DS grow & learn new things! I do not wish the time away, but it is still fun to look forward to my dream girl!!!

Only 6 more months!!!!!

And less than 2 months until my consultation with Dr. T @ RBA!!! =)